Northern Grown Perennials


Our Northern Hybridized and Northern Grown

Hosta Introductions


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New Hosta Introductions for this year:






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‘Clean Shave’



2025 Hosta Introduction

'Clean  Shave'

(Sport of Razer’s Edge)

We have not been an advocate of “cutsy” introduction names.  However when we found this sport of The Razer’s Edge it was too tempting to not use a “cutsy” name like Clean Shave as it readily referenced to the parent plant.

For any who have grown TRE, one quickly learns that this cultivar is a robust grower and that its strong flush of lavender bloom and red toned petiole bases merit a place on the hosta plantings.

A few seasons ago we discovered one small portion of TRE with pure white edging.  This was separated from the parent clump and planted to hopefully increase.  And, thankfully, it did increase just like the parent—readily.  Having grown it on for something like eight seasons we noted that the variegation has been entirely stable here, with not a sign of a green reversion. 

This season’s introduction fo Clean Shave grows readily in either a fairly shady setting or in much more direct sun.  For best color, high shade gives the best color expression.

A robust grower, strong summer bloom (of merit), red toned petioles and clean white edging makes the total presentation.  We have good stock of 2-3 eye (minimum) plants available at a very reasonable price.  CS has not been tissue cultured. 



Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)






New Hosta Introductions for this year:







A dog sitting in a garden

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‘The Sun Also Rises’



2025 Hosta Introduction

'The Sun Also Rises'

While I have not been a great fan of Hemingway’s literature, I will
give him credit for the choice the name of this hosta as it just seemed
to fit well.

Both Streets Of Gold and Pale Moon Rising have been excellent parents
for producing kids in a wide range of pale cream to bright gold.  We
feel that the introduction of THE SUN ALSO RISES is among the best of
these kids.

Many gold hostas (in fact the majority) start out the season as a rather
chartreuse hue which then gradually turns “gold”.  And some that may
start out gold/cream will slowly but inexorably turn to a rather muted,
dull chartreuse toward the end of the season—no matter what the claims
of hosta nurseries and catalogs may be.  This has been something of an
irritation when claims are made about great color “all season long”.

We have been very pleased that THE SUN ALSO RISES does actually have a
seasonal constant for color.  It starts out with a good gold hue and
(believe it or not) the color is maintained through the season without
turning dull/drab late in the season.  Having grown it in various sites
here on the farm and through several years, we have not been
disappointed.  The color is constant.

Leaf size on the average is about 5” x 8”.  Clump size is in the area of
  30” across.  A mature clump will have nice dimpling and foliage on the
round order. The pictures here give the best expression.

  THE SUN ALSO RISES in the picture is backed with Powder Blue, which
makes a super contrasty expression.  Guarding the planting is Spike, our
English Shepherd.  He enjoys the company of our Shelties and loves
people, but coyotes and deer wisely steer clear when he is on patrol at

If you like golds of excellent color expression maintained through the
season we can readily recommend THE SUN ALSO RISES.

Price:  $75.00 (NET--not subject to discount)







Previous Introductions are listed in alphabetical order.







'A Passion For Purple'


 'A Passion For Purple'

Every hybridizer has an orphan waif (or many) that gets lost in the rush of life. This is the case with our  introduction of A Passion For Purple.  Years (many) ago some crosses were made in the first craze for red stemmed hostas.  We were not impressed with the results and decided to “abandon all hope” (Dante).  A couple of the more interesting seedling clumps were tossed under an arborvitae to fend for themselves.  Attesting to the hardiness of our funkia friend’s genetics, one clump took root and survived the Wisconsin winter.  So much for the intro—now as Paul Harvey was want to say, it is time for “the rest of the story”:


A couple years later several small seedlings had started to grow from seed drop of this clump.  Those between the rows met the business end of the Honda tiller; however, one had the good fortune to start its life in a blank space within the row and was spared.  This little seedling grew and prospered, somehow surviving the annual summer rouging out process.  Growing at the far north end of the field plantings she was more or less ignored season after season in the rush of summer.  However, we did note the bright shower of intense purple bloom as the clump matured.  A rare inspection also indicated that the petioles had a flush of red and that the bloom scapes were quite purple in tone—ok, interesting.  Then, a few seasons back, a hostaphile friend was walking past the waif in early fall.  He stopped, pointed, and asked about the deep purple (near black) seed pods.

Like my protégé, Homer Simpson (…duh), I had never really paid attention to this before.


To escape the incredulous stare of my hostaphile friend, I promised cut a few chunks off the waif and plant them “somewhere”.   In the next few seasons we started to pay more attention:  Yes, the bright purple bloom is sharp; yes, it does have some coloring on the petioles (no, I do not lift foliage looking for color); yes, the scapes are purple; and, yes, it does have near black seed pods.


Planting some of A Passion For Purple in more accessible sites, visitors at bloom time have remarked about the color of the bloom and in late season on the color of the pods.  AND, by beleaguered admission, we have come to appreciate the waif more each season. 


Some data:  Adult clump size reaches about 28” across; scapes are about 26” tall; individual leaves are about 7” x 3”.  Now here is the caveat: to achieve a profusion of purple bloom and black pods, one SHOULD plant it in a setting with strong morning sun. This may seem to go against regular hosta logic.  However, we discovered an entirely different hosta when she is planted under perfect (shady) conditions.  In deeper shade, the color is deep green with a glossy finish and wider foliage.  It makes a nice, dense clump and grows like a weed, but the more shade, the less bloom and the less color! 


So, there is the caveat for anyone who wishes to provide a home for the waif.  Take a look at the pictures.  No photo shop adjustments.  An oddball for sure, but an oddball we have come to enjoy.  Since she grows with great vigor, we have lots of stock and will ship 3-4 eye plants.


Price: $30.00 (not subject to discount)











'A Step Beyond'


There is an interesting story behind our 2023 introduction of  A STEP BEYOND.  About 30 years ago I contacted renowned German hybridizer/plantsman Heinz Klose in regard to his work with  hostas. We carried on snail mail communication for some time and one spring he asked if I would care for a few of his gold seedlings.  Naturally my answer was “yes”. A box arrived with about 6 young golds, a couple of which I still have here. Also in the box was a division of GOLDEN SUNBURST and a note that suggested I use it in hybridizing efforts.   Perhaps his German climate was more favorable for G.S. than what I have on my Wisconsin farm as G.S. succumbed to sun scald no matter where I planted it.  Finally I tucked it back in an old planting and let it contend with the scald.

The story here turns a corner as one summer I saw something different with G.S.  Coming from the side of the clump was a sport that expressed blue centers and wide gold borders.  I watched to see if this would also scald, which is to be expected due to the parentage of Frances Williams.  However, that was not the case.  G.S. continued to scald (as does our true Frances Williams), but this sport showed much more resistance, as well as pleasing color.  We dug the sport and planted it in two other sites—one with more shade and the other with stronger sun.

Having watched and enjoyed this sport for several seasons we decided last year that it should be registered and introduced as A STEP BEYOND.    It has proven to be a large “step beyond” G. S. and F. W.

The original sport clump measured about 38” in diameter with the leaves measuring about 10” by 7”.  Substance is strong and growth rate is average. Light puckering is evidenced between the veins.  Planted in more shade the borders are more of a chartreuse gold, but planted in more sun they are gold. The powdery blue expression holds longest in more shade.

We have nice, large singles available.

Price:  $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)








('Invocation' X 'Cynthia')



Our Hosta introduction, 'ALLITERATION', bears a literary name meaning the “repetition of consonant sounds”. In the case or our hosta, however, it has nothing to do with sounds, but much to do with the unique expression of its double parent, 'Cynthia' (Tompkins).

 This hosta is unique among its peers with wild splashing, mottling, streaking. Our cross of 'Cynthia' to 'Invocation' produced an even wilder child in 'Alliteration'. Every leaf is a different expression-splashed/mottled/streaked/hazed/checkerboard/ghostly pale. And whereas 'Cynthia' will sometimes revert to straight green (still a nice hosta), its child has been entirely stable here for years.

The expression becomes more muted as summer passes, but is still apparent. Growth rate is strong and leaf substance is heavy, with pebbled surface at maturity. As a parent, this 'Cynthia' kid has produced some promising offspring which we are evaluating for future introduction. Best expression here is with a more shady setting-for contrast. Mature size: 40" spread with rounded mound. Leaves: approx. 7" x 10".

Price: $50.00(NET--not subject to discount)







'As You Like It'


'As You Like It'

(Cross of two seedlings involving SUNNY SMILES and PAUL’S GLORY)


Both Sunny Smiles and Paul’s Glory have proven excellent parents individually as well as crossed together.  Our introduction of AS YOU LIKE IT goes to prove the point.  We noted from this cross a number of seedlings that emerged a soft, clean chartreuse, then quietly eased into green tipped creams, and finally into shimmering, smooth cream tones.  The picture tells the tale better than the verbage at this point.


            Having grown up here on the farm milking registered Guernseys as a kid and luxuriating in their rich cream (…none of the watery Holstein stuff!!) for making butter, ice cream, sweet cheese curds, molsa, rommegraut, gryngraut (pull out your Norwegian dictionaries at this point)—well, let’s just say we used a lot of rich Guernsey cream.  If we had our ‘druthers, we would have named it ‘Guernsey Cream’ due to the smooth, creamy color of the foliage; however, that hosta already exists.  Naturally we grow it here, and it is a nice gold, too.


            Our next choice for a name was something else to indicate a certain “soft” quality that this hosta expresses.  Going through our “possible names” list, we came upon something Shakespearean in nature that seemed evince this pleasing, summery quality: A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  Unfortunately the registrar thought it too close to an already registered cultivar.  We were initially disappointed until she thoughtfully suggested another Shakespearean title: As You Like It.  And we did like it!  (Bless her heart!) So there is the story behind the name.


            Each season she proves herself a garden lady dressed for the occasion: soft and shimmering. And each season she puts on like clockwork her quiet ease from soft chartreuse to crème de mint tipped, to the pure cream expression. (Again, the picture tells the story.)


            Sizewise A.Y.L.I. has an ultimate garden spread of about 36”, with leaf measurements about 8 x 6.  In spite of the lack of strong chlorophyll through most of the season, she is a good grower, quickly forming a spreading mound.  There is one quirk about her that we find hard to explain:  In the 8-10 years we have grown this seedling and made divisions to line out, we have never seen a bloomscape.  That does not mean that this is a permanent fixture.  Perhaps in your setting she will bloom.  The 4 siblings we have kept back from this cross have all bloomed and we have used them in our own hybridizing with good success. 


            As with so many hostas, siting is key to achieve the best color expression.  Here we have grown AS YOU LIKE IT in a rich, tilthy soil where she gets a couple hours of early morning sun, then high shade during the balance of the day.  She gives the pictured color expression in variants of this setting.  One caution: do not plant in strong sun as this can bleach out the best color.


            As with all our hosta introductions, AS YOU LIKE IT has not been and will not be tissue cultured by us (which is to say that is As We Like It).  It has not been gifted or shared.  We recommend it without hesitation, thinking that you will like it.  Methinks the Bard might have liked it on A Midsummer Night’s Eve as well.  Nice double plants to ship.


Price: $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)






(Sun Power X Cynthia)


Some hostas exhibit a bold, demanding attitude in the garden, while others make their presence known in a more alluring, stately manner, requiring no fanfare. Such is the case with 'Benediction.' As a matter of etymology, the Latin meaning of the word "benediction" is literally the "good word," which we feel aptly fits.

 This shimmering gold ultimately forms a symmetrical, stately clump about 4' across and 22" high, while the leaf placement displays a pleasing, embricated effect. The leaves themselves are extremely uniform in size and shape. Distinctly ventricular with pronounced, impressed veining, the foliage has precisely cut, clean edging.

As our picture indicates, a mature clump develops the same sort of precise puckering between veins. Chameleon-like, 'Benediction' emerges a pure golden chartreuse and then assumes its early summer metamorphosis, becoming a softly shimmering gold. Of added interest, a mature clump will occasionally exhibit leaves with dark green flares/streaks. Perhaps due to this tendency we already have at least one sport which we have identified for future introduction, as well as others we are evaluating.

 Everything about 'Benediction' is pleasing--clean, precise, uniform and stately with alluring, beckoning color quality for those shady, darker corners, or along a path to be viewed in evening light. While beautiful at any time of day, we are especially drawn to its softly shimmering presence as light fades, incanting the perfect benediction to a summer's day.

Price: $40.00(NET--not subject to discount)




'Cair Paravel'

(Sun Power X Cynthia)

'Cair Paravel'

It is no secret to our hostaphile friends that we like golds and have made a great many crosses to produce quality hostas in this color line. We have been especially happy with former large type introductions like 'Streets of Gold' and 'Benediction.' Waiting in the wings are several others that are both stately and lovely. One of the best of these is our introduction of 'Cair Paravel.' If you are wondering about the name, it stems from the Chronicles Of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, one of our favorite authors.

Forming a large clump with a spreading habit, this cultivar will obtain a width of about 40". Individual leaves are in the area of 12" x 6". In essence, C.P. combines the best of both parents: large clump, rapid growth rate, and distinctive presentation. Strong in CYNTHIA'S genetics is the ability to produce beautifully wavy leaf edges. Additionally, the CYNTHIA line tends to be quite sun tolerant. Both these virtues are exemplified in 'Cair Paravel.'

As the photo indicates, this wavy leaf edge is dominant. Several of the sibs showed this strength, but C.P. was the very best of them. The color is a different sort of gold than we have ever seen before. Not a yellow gold, and not a chartreuse-gold either. Rather than trying to find the right words for it, let the picture act as an explanation. Depending on the season, there is often a marbling effect, and if one looks closely, a muted cream-green edge.

This is a gold with character and plan to have double fan plants available for spring shipment. As with all our own introductions, we guarantee your satisfaction. You will like 'Cair Paravel’: An elegant name for an elegant hosta.

Price: $35.00(NET--not subject to discount)










'Change of Venue'


(sport of 'Wrinkles And Crinkles')

 'Change of Venue'

(sport of 'Wrinkles And Crinkles')

Like so many hostaphiles, we enjoy the unruly expression of an untamed, very rugose hosta form.  One such hosta that we have long enjoyed is 'Wrinkles And Crinkles'.  It is one of those cultivars that has been around for a good long time and maintains a good following with many gardeners.  In one of the older planting sites here where odds and ends used to be planted in at the end of the season we knew there was a nice clump of WAC, but being somewhat out of the way it was seldom visited. 

Several years ago we were pruning back some branches around this bed.  Something seemed rather unusual about the clump of WAC that was set back in this dark corner.  A closer look indicated that the whole clump had morphed into what you see in the picture of the single leaf on this webpage.  Thinking it might be just a passing expression, we looked back the following summer and found that the mutation was maintained.  Accordingly, we dug the clump and made a few divisions which we planted under an apple tree in a more traveled area where we could watch it.  Happily, the expression has been maintained year after year on every fan of every clump as far as we can tell.

At first we thought to just keep it around as a fast growing curiosity, but visitors often inquired about it and we enjoyed its subtle presence each season.  Hence we decided to register this sport of WAC as CHANGE OF VENUE.

Why CHANGE OF VENUE?  (When we name a hosta, we try to use a name that is expressive of the plant itself as much as possible.  Hence: 'Jurassic Park', 'A Passion For Purple', 'Glad Rags', 'Tiffany Tune', etc.)  This hosta goes through an annual change of expression.  It starts out very close to the solid deep blue of WAC with lots of unruly rugosity.  Then, as the season advances the outer inch of the leaf edges takes on a chartreuse tone.  This begins in a subtle form and then becomes bolder and more dominant.  Often toward the end of the season the outer band of color takes on an interesting near olive expression.

Diminisions of clump and foliage are the same as the parent: Clump spread of about 36" and around 20" tall; foliage measures in the vininity of 9" x 7".   Very rugose, heavy substanced foliage.

We suggest planting in a more shady setting for best color expression.  This is the sort of hosta that doesn't shout as you pass by.  Rather it quiety draws one in for a closer examination. 

Strong growth rate which readily forms a rather dense, compact clump.  If you have darker, shady setting which needs something of a "change of venue" consider our CHANGE OF VENUE to add a new expression.

Price: $50.00--doubles (not subject to discount)





'Cum Laude'


'Cum Laude'

(Blue Ox  x  Abiqua Drinking Gourd)

Price:  $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)



Well over 25 years ago Chet Tompkins shared a start of an intense blue semi cupped hosta seedling that he later registered as BLUE OX.  We were both taken with its intense blue color, heavy substance and very rugose/dimpled expression. About the same time Charlie Purdymun had a fine cupped blue seedling that grew by the side of his home and protected from deer predation with an electric fence. He shared a start of this one and registered it as Abiqua Drinking Gourd.  This hosta and his gold introduction of Abiqua Recluse were two of his finest hostas, and I still appreciate them as they grow here.


Considering what crosses might be good to make in the deep blue tones, I finally made this cross with several blooms of B.O. and A.D.G.  As the little seedlings grew on I selected about 100 of them to line out in the shade on the north side of the tobacco shed.  They were weeded on occasion but otherwise rather ignored as they were out of the way.  When it came time to take down the tobacco shed the seedlings had grown into decent sized clumps.  8 of these were selected as being the best of the lot and given a better growing site.  All were nice, but through several more seasons I settled on two that I (and garden visitors) liked best.  One is a very round leafed blue-green with precise dimpling and heavy substance, which is for introduction at a later time.  The other one we finally lifted and lined out a couple seasons ago.  She is registered as CUM LAUDE for one of our 2023 introductions.


CUM LAUDE’S expression is readily seen in the pictures to the left.  A well grown clump will measure about 34” in diameter and the foliage about 8” x 7”. Like her parents, she has heavy substance,  and grows in a semi upright form.  On a well settled clump the rugosity/dimpling becomes increasingly expressive on the round  cupped leaves.  (The pictures here are from that of a 3-year-old clump—the rugosity and cupping become even more pronounced with age.)  These are all qualities that one readily appreciates, but even more to my liking is the deep aqua-marine blue expression with a strong silvery patina.  This silvery patina is maintained through the season if give a planting site with high, dappled shade.


We are very pleased with this hosta and have nice, large sized singles to offer..


Price:  $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)
















'Dark Treasure'


(From seedling lines of Tompkins’ breeding including ‘Lakeport Blue’,  ‘Versailles Blue’ and ‘Blue Babe’.)

 'Dark Treasure'

Another “green”?  Yes, another GREEN!!!  But not just “another” green.  Far from it, this hosta has all the good stuff that begs for a place in the garden.  In reality it does not have to beg—it simply, quietly and impressively commands attention.  Why?  Here are some it its distinguishing qualities at maturity:  1. Large, round, heavy substanced, leathery leaves which exhibit distinctive biscuit tufting  2. Glossy, shimmering leaf surface that seems to glow in the shade  3. Forest green hue with dark expression. 

4. Distinctive mounded form spreading to about 40” and 30” in height  that displays itself with dignity.


I was pleasantly surprised when this young hosta with dark color, ultra heavy substance and shimmering leaf surface appeared in a group of powdery blue seedlings a number of years ago.  Since ‘DARK TREASURE’  stems entirely from the breeding lines of Chet and Cynthia Tompkins, I told him about these qualities which all came together in this hosta.  He replied that this dark green tone with a shimmering glow was an “occasional” recessive in the ‘Lakeport Blue’ lines, stemming from his mother’s hybridizing back in the 1920’s.  He was enthusiastic and asked that I send him a start the next spring after seeing pictures.  That never happened as he passed away the same winter.  Whenever I walk by ‘DARK TREASURE’ here on the farm I think of Chet and my yearly visits with him and his passion for hostas, iris and daylilies.  My initial idea was to name this it after him as this was “his” sort of hosta.  However, Chet distinctly disliked the idea of naming plants after people, so I refrained from pursuing the matter, choosing a moniker that reflected the plant itself instead.


The mother clump here grows in a shady site under an apple tree with other seedlings from the Tompkins’ lines.  Visitors never fail to be drawn to it as it simply has so many  positive qualities that have come together in one genetic composition.  Someone said last summer that the mature leaves reminded them of a Monet lilypad, only very dark and beautifully puckered.  A good analogy.  Whatever the case, ‘DARK TREASURE’ has the sort of impressive qualities that I like.  It is, in a word,

DISTINCTIVE”.  And, isn’t that what we want today when there are so many dozens of new hostas being introduced  on a yearly basis that  are anything but distinctive.  Happily, ‘DARK TREASURE’ has produced  some very fine kids with even more intensified qualities.  Selfing it has been very productive, as have crosses with our ‘Summa Cum Laude’, ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘Streets Of Gold’.


A good grower, which settles in readily, we recommend a shady site to keep the dark hues at their darkest and the shimmering quality at its best.  The picture was taken with a flash; actual expression is darker. 


We have nice double eye plants lined out for spring delivery.  It is not in tissue culture and we have no plans to do so, nor has it been guested to other growers.  As with our other NGP introductions of hostas and daylilies, grow it for two seasons and if you are not fully satisfied, we will buy it back from you.


Price: $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)











'Dressed For Spring'

(Sport of ‘Gypsy Rose’)

Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)



We have never been too enthralled with the little hostas as they come replete with too many drawbacks.  However, a few small ones have popped up in hybridizing and as occasional sports; if they are visually pleasing and good growers we usually keep them around to fill a small space here and there.  Several years ago we found DRESSED FOR SPRING as a sport when an entire clump of Gypsy Rose morphed.  We have kept it since it has proven to be hardy and a good grower, and we enjoy its perky visual expression.  Visitors have liked it and since we did, too, it was a matter of registration and introduction


As the picture to the left indicates, DRESSED FOR SPRING is deep, clean green with a cream border that often jets down into the green center a bit.  We appreciate the fact that the spoon shaped foliage is usually quite dimpled which is rather unusual for a smaller type hosta. Clump has a rather flat, spreading form.  Leaves are about 3” by 2.5”.  A mature clump will be about 18” in diameter and 8” tall.


With the size as such, DRESSED FOR SPRING works well toward the front of a planting.  She grows readily here in stronger sun and in more shady settings.  In a shadier setting the color expression is deeper.


So, for the first time we have registered and introduced smaller type hosta.  She is a cute little gal and we like her.  2-3 eye plants.




Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)








If you are looking for a specimen plant that is both unique and lovely--one that stands out from the crowd--we offer 'Extrovert' for your consideration. Yes, this is a green hosta, but not just "another" green hosta. This one is distinctive. Sizewise, our oldest clump is about 3-4' across, forming a distinct, rounded mound about 22" high. Well grown, this a hosta with generous dimples and puckering. Admittedly, plenty of green hostas match this description so far, BUT this one is unique in that the beautifully dimpled leaves are convex in nature, as though you pulled the edges down and pushed the centers up. The color of the very rounded, heavy substanced leaves is difficult to describe--rather a steely-green hue with a satiny finish.

 Both the individual leaves and the clump as a whole are distinctive and most pleasing. Garden visitors have always commented on 'Extrovert' as it does stand out from the crowd. A mature clump is individualistic and has true impact. Even a young plant has good eye appeal. We grow about 600 varieties of hostas here and there is really nothing that we have found to compare with it.

As a parent, this one is producing offspring with very intense puckering and the same "extroverted" effect.  We hope to introduce one such “kid” as soon as we have sufficient stock.  If you are looking for a potent parent for the qualities above, we readily recommend this extroverted lady.


None available this year





'Fame Game'


(‘Christmas Tree Gala’ x ‘Donahue’s Piecrust’)

'Fame Game'

Streaked hostas are generally valued for their breeding ability: i.e. to produce variegated offspring. And in this regard ‘Fame Game’ has more than proven its value. Highly fertile, this hosta can be counted on to produce a large number of variegated kids. We have selfed it, used it with golds, blues and other predictably notable parents, like ‘Cynthia’. From the dozens of variegated offspring, we have several which are promising—especially some rugose golds with white streaking.

The problem with most streaked hostas is that they are highly unstable and quickly revert to a solid form. With ‘Fame Game’, however, we have seen much greater stability than any other streaked parent we have As with all streaked hostas, it is best to divide them on occasion to preserve stability.

Settled 4-year clumps here are about 30” across, with a pleasing mound habit. Stemming from the ‘C.T.G.’ parentage, mature leaves can become quite rugose. The basic color is a blue-infused dark green; superimposed on this background one will find streaks and often large swaths of yellow, cream, white. Individual leaves are ovate in form, but becoming more rounded with maturity. 

                                   None available this year






Hosta Gilding the Lily

'Gilding The Lily'

(Sport of ‘Sun Power’)



'Gilding The Lily'

(Sport of ‘Sun Power’)

Through the years we have found no less than 5 nice sports of Sun Power.  All these are nice in their own right; after many seasons we decided on introducing GILDING THE LILY as it was the best of the group.


You will note from our picture that much of the structure basics of this introduction are like that of its parent, Sun Power.  However, there are differences which stand out. Relating to color expression, the centers of the leaves are a gold-chartreuse, while the borders are a clean cream which often streaks down into the center of the foliage.


We find two other differences compared to the parent cultivar: 1. The leaves have broadly undulating edges. 2. The clump size is a bit less spreading and more compact in nature, while a mature plant will have a more dense growth.  Clump size is about 30” in diameter; leaves are in the area of 5” x 11”.


Sun Power is one of our favorite gold hostas, so we thought a name like GILDING THE LILY would fit aptly for this sport as it takes something that is already a super hosta and adds some gilt.


We have nice plants available.



Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)






'Glad Rags'

('Sheer Bliss' X 'Blue Ox')

 'Glad Rags'

The web site pictures give at least a partial idea of the positives of 'Glad Rags.' A well established clump will measure about 20" across and 14" tall, with a somewhat vaselike form, especially on younger plants. Leaves are semi-cupped, about 4" x 6" and crinkled with age. Substance is very heavy. Consequently, 'Glad Rags' takes a good deal of sun here without complaint.

 Leaves emerge chartreuse, then quickly turn color. Shade produces a chartreuse-gold border; semi-shade produces a clean, bright gold border; stronger sun ultimately transitions chartreuse to gold to ivory. The gold borders are extra wide, encasing an irregular swath of green center. The pattern is repeated on every leaf; yet no two leaves are exactly the same. Even a young plant is singular. An established clump is stunning.

For more pictures, do a Google Image search where you will find dozens to view.  Yes, GLAD RAGS has been tissue cultured (without our permission).  No, none of our stock of G.R. or any other hosta introductions is ever tissue cultured by us.

You can certainly find G.R. available from several sources after the Dutch and one US tc lab did mass tc production on it, and you can find it for less than our price. Our stock is not tc’d, and rather than receiving a tiny tc, you will receive a single made from divisions of 4-year-old clumps.

We should have a limited supply of nice singles.


Price: $50.00 (singles) Very Limited



A picture containing vegetable, plant, leaf, large

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(‘Cynthia x Piedmont Gold’)


Our earlier introduction of INVOCATION has proven increasingly popular.  Thankfully it is a good grower, so we have a fair amount of stock available. Properly sited, as the season progresses the chartreuse centers turn yellow, then gold, then a brassy gold, while the borders turn from light cream to pure white.

Having tested this hosta for the last several years, we find it to be entirely stable in expression and form. Like its parents, ‘Invocation’ attains a spread of about 40”. Individual leaves at maturity are about 11” by 7”. It is a good grower, forming a striking clump in just a couple seasons, but even as a yearling it provides a focal point.

The longer we grow ‘Invocation’ the more we enjoy it.  Response from others who now grow it in their gardens has been very positive.

We find best expression in a site with early morning sun and dappled shade thereafter.

Invocation makes a fine contrasting statement when planted as a neighbor to a hosta or good blue tones.

An exceptionally nice hosta!


Price: $40.00(NET--not subject to discount)





We have grown on thousands of seedlings, looking for some top quality blues. In this one we feel that several criteria all came together: Deep, silvery-blue color, heavy substance, rugose leaf, pleasing mound shape and good growth rate. Growing in full sun in the field, the original seedling clump was 5 1/2' across. Individual leaves are about 8"x10", with beautiful puckering at maturity. Of very heavy substance, the leaves pucker distinctively with age and develop a rather undulating edge. Furthermore, this hosta exhibits good slug resistence.

We have found its best color is developed when given some good morning sun. Its silvery patina lasts much longer than on most other blues. Strong, husky divisions. As a parent, 'Jotunheim' is producing large offspring with beautiful color, heavy substance and beautifully dimpled leaves. Increasingly popular.

Very Limited.


Price: $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount) Very Limited



'Jurassic Park'

(from seedling lines)

'Jurassic Park'

Finding just the "right" name for this hosta proved difficult. Words like "large" just don't work here. This "animal" has garden names like "The Thing That Ate Chicago", "Bouncing Betty", "Bods Ominous" and "Man Eater"! To this beast we attribute the loss of 3 shovels, a John Deere riding mower, 2 garden tillers, 3 cats, 6 raccoons, a Guernsey cow and 2 little old ladies on a garden visit. Hence we give it wide berth when working close to it. It has been recommended that we spray it with Roundup once or twice a year just to keep it from hurting anyone.

From the fore-going chicanery you may assume that "Jurassic Park" is HUGE when established, as well as vigorous in growth. Our original clump measures about 8 1/2' across and has stretched as much as 9’ when rainfall has been ample—and that without any fertilizer application. Leaves on well tended clumps can be up to 16" x 14". Of Sieboldiana background, this introduction has very heavy substanced green leaves which exhibit heavy tucks and puckers at maturity.

 It does well for us with strong morning sun and filtered shade thereafter. Very impressive through mid-season even in full sun. Due to its heavy substance, slugs have never been a problem--basically because it eats them! Give this one lots of space, space, space. It will "grow" on you...  (And in answer to some questions, the stock we have to offer is NOT tissue cultured.) We have large size plants available.


Price: $35.00 (NET--not subject to discount)

    Large 2-3 eye field grown plants--NOT tissue cultures





A picture containing plant, green, vegetable, leaf

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'Lakefront Property'

(Christmas Tree Gala x Donahue Piecrust)




'Lakefront Property'

(Christmas Tree Gale x Donahue Piecrust)


Since we first noticed this seedling, we have watched her develop into something quite special.  The positive genetics of both parents are seen in our introduction of LAKEFRONT PROPERTY.


As the picture indicates, L.P. is a deep, frosty green with several other muted expressions of green/cream/white that jut and streak out onto a pure white widely undulating border.  The pointed ends tend to twist/turn as they narrow.  Overall expression is distinctive.


This hosta has proven to be a strong grower here, making a mature clump about 38” across and 21” tall.  Foliage measures about 12” x 8” with deeply impressed veining and good substance.  Clump form tends to be a rounded mound.


Through the years we have always gone out of our way to be very selective on the hostas we introduce. L.P. meets the standards we strive for.


We recommend LAKEFRONT PROPERTY without hesitation.  It is the sort of hosta that one can identify at a distance.  Nice sized plants available for spring/summer delivery.




Price:  $75.00 (NET--not subject to discount)








A group of green plants

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A row of green plants

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'Miner Forty Niner'

(Abiqua Recluse x Streets Of Gold)


'Miner Forty Niner'

(Abiqua Recluse x Streets Of Gold)

What is a hosta planting without good golds?  Mundane!  From the time I first began hybridizing years ago, I have always made a number of crosses for gold/yellow expression.  Many of these seedlings we have kept back and observed them for years, watching as they matured from "nice" to "gotta keep". This year's introduction of MINER FORTY NINER is one of those gotta keep hostas.

Before breaking up the 8-year-old mother clump two years ago to line out for increase, the diameter was about 36" across.  We have grown MFN in settings ranging from 75% sun to 75% shade where she prosperes in nicely.  In a more shady setting she maintains a more chartreuse expression longer into the season; in a setting with more light, the gold expression quickly develops.

The picture here gives a good idea of what to expect on foliage.  A well established clump supports leaves that are very pebbled/puckered with what I call a honey comb appearance.  The substance is heavy and a mature plant has a pleasing mound form.  Growth rate is on the strong side of average.

Both the parents of MINER FORTY NINER are favorites of ours in the gold class, and both have been great parents for gold kids.  Both parents transmit the fine color expression we like and both produce nicely pebbled kids.  From MFN we have a number of promising seedlings.  Some really outstanding kids have come from crosses with Super Bowl, as well as some sharp blues from Abiqua Drinking Gourd.  Lots of possibilities for the hybridizer.

We have nice plants available.  As with all our hosta introductons, MFN has not been tissue cultured nor has it been shared.

            Price: $75.00 (NET: not subject to discount)














'New Kid On The Block'

(Sport of Sweet Sunshine)




'New Kid On The Block'

(Sport of Sweet Sunshine)

Sweet Sunshine is another one of those hostas that we have enjoyed through the seasons here; it has provided us with 4 deserving sports, 2 of which we plan to introduce.  New Kid On The Block is the first.  We first noticed this sport about 10 years ago and have enjoyed watching it as the years have progressed.

Like its parent, New Kid On The Block has several aspects which we have appreciated.  As our picture will indicate the leaf shape is quite cupped in nature.  Additionally, like its parent, there is a strong rugose expression with lots of what Chet Tompkins called “biscuit tufting”.

Color expression is a medium green with creamy gold borders that usually streak down into the centers of the leaves.  In that regard, no two leaves are totally alike.  This variegation is of a pleasing softer nature.  It doesn’t slap you as you walk by, but it does draw one close for a second look.  We find that it presents itself especially well planted close to deep blue neighbors.

Growth rate is a bit stronger than its parent, presenting a mature clump about 30” across.  Leaves are about 6” x 9”.

Nice plants available.


Price:  $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)







'Packer Backer'

(Sport of ‘Abiqua Recluse’)


 'Packer Backer'

Choosing the “right” name for hosta registration and introductions is always a challenge. Whatever the moniker, it needs to “fit”. While watching the Packers play this evening, everything (except a win) came together. The Pack colors of green and bright gold are just those of this year’s introduction.

From its parent ‘Packer Backer’ inherited heavy leaf substance and a very pebbled expression at maturity. The leaf center is dark green. The 1” margins start the season with a golden-chartreuse expression, but change quickly to an INTENSE GOLD which holds through high summer, slowly taking a cream yellow expression in late season. It has proven to be the most intense gold bordered hosta we grow. The cover picture was taken at the cream state in late August.

The expression is very contrasty. Variegation has been totally stable. Semi-mounded expression, spreading to about 38”; leaves about 7” by 10”.

To be anything other than a Packer backer in Wis. is to flirt with danger, but even if you are a Bears, Vikings, Lions or Patriots backer, we trust you will be a fan of ‘PACKER BACKER’. (Best given some morning sun.)

Price: $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)






'Pale Moon Rising'

(Manhattan x Extrovert)


'Pale Moon Rising'

Some hybridizing crosses beg to be made, seeming ripe with potential.  And such was the case with the cross that produced PALE MOON RISING.  The total uniqueness of MANHATTAN has long made it a personal favorite.  Its compact, rounded mound and wholly honeycomb rugosity on round leaves readily announces its garden presence.  Add to this its late spring emergence which always avoids frost.  Our introduction of EXTROVERT (from Tompkins’ lines) has proven  a top parent for us, producing kids with great rugosity and “extroverted” round leaf forms.  The merging of these two parent plants “clicked”.


In the cross of MANHATTAN and EXTROVERT I was hoping for something that might incorporate the good qualities of both parents.  Several blues and blue-greens were produced, many of which were quite nicely puckered or “honeycomb” in expression on rounded foliage (…a couple we really like for later introduction).   However, I was not expecting a seedling with the pale cream expression of PALE MOON RISING.  It does make some sense, though, as through the EXTROVERT background coming from Chet Tompkins’ lines there is the recessive genetic potential to produce cream/yellow/gold.  This goes back to one of his mother’s pale chartreuse seedling which he named Golden Galleon.  (G.G. emerges a ghostly pale cream and very slowly takes on a medium chartreuse tone.)


As you will note in the pictures here, PALE MOON RISING many positive traits from its parents:  (…pictures show mid season color expression)

  • Neatly rounded, compact clump form, strongly dimpled/honeycomb expression         
  • Very round, “extroverted” leaves
  • Very pleasing, pale cream color hue—emerging color is a ghostly pale cream,    which slowly takes on the creamy gold expression (in the pictures shown), and finally expressing clean chartreuse in late season


All good points!  BUT one more matter that bears positive impact is that PMR is THE latest emerging hosta that grows here on the farm, a quality stemming from MANHATTAN.  Consequently even with very late frosts here in Wisconsin, PMR has never been touched. 


Growth rate is average to a bit on the slower order.  Our mother clump measured 36” across at maturity; individual mature leaves are about 6 x 7-8 (more round than ovate).  We suggest a planting site in an area of high shade with a loamy soil.  Due to its color expression, this cultivar draws attention as a focal point in a shady corner flanked by solid blues/greens.


We are very pleased with PALE MOON RISING and have large size single divisions available to a limited extent.  As with all our introductions, we will never knowingly place it in tissue culture.  It has not been guested and will not be tissue cultured.   All parent stock is here on the farm. 

Price: $100.00 (NET--not subject to discount)




'Pleasure Seeker'

(kikutii x ‘Halcyon’)


'Pleasure Seeker'

Forming a semi-vaselike clump ultimately about 30” in diameter, PLEASURE SEEKER has a “finished” appearance even on a first year clump. The leaves are broadly lanceolate with a gentle arching effect. Color expression is steely blue with a strong patina. Once settled in, the leaves acquire a broadly undulating edge and a distinct “twist” at the leaf tip. One of the most distinctive matters about P.S. is its metallic patina, which persists from early through late season on the heavy substanced leaves.

Since ‘PLEASURE SEEKER’ is a very strong grower, it can and should be placed in a shadier section of the planting to preserve its best expression. It multiplies rapidly, quickly forming a distinctive clump.

Some hostas are a hot splash in the pan. P.S., on the other hand is distinctively serene, with a glowing finish which persists throughout the season. A true specimen. The low price reflects our supply, not the quality of the plant. Double eye divisions.

Price: $30.00 (NET—not subject to discount)




'Rabble Rouser'

A close up of a green plant

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A close up of a green plant

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'Rabble Rouser'

(Sport of Lakeport Blue)


'Rabble Rouser'

(Sport of Lakeport Blue)


We have been watching RABBLE ROUSER develop over the last 9 years.  As a young plant we enjoyed the intense green-blue centers of the foliage and the creamy gold borders.  As each season passed, we became more appreciative of this hosta.  We know of no other sports of Tompkins’ Lakeport Blue' which we have grown in large clumps here on the farm, along with many of the other hostas of Cynthia and Chet Tompkins.


The mother clump was about 46” across before we took some away to line out for introduction.  Form is that of a somewhat spreading mound.  Due to its heavy substance and strong petioles, the clump maintains integrity even after strong storms.  On an established plant, the foliage can become quite heart shaped.


The picture on the site shows mid summer expression in about 75% sun.  The dark centers make a fine contrast with the golden yellow borders.  We have appreciated the strong pebbling/puckering on the mother clump through the seasons.


Growth/increase is quite strong.  While I have not used RABBLE ROUSER in hybridizing previously (for some strange reason), I think I will have to make that venture in the coming seasons.  It will be interesting, knowing the parentage, to make crosses with some good colored blues like Silver Bay, and I am tempted to use it with Streets Of Gold now that I think about it.


As with all our introductions, your guarantee of satisfaction remains in place.  We should have nice plants available.


Price:  $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)
























Hosta ‘Rags To Riches’

(Golden Medallion x Blue Mammoth) x Glad Rags )




'Rags To Riches'

We have used our introduction of GLAD RAGS as a pollen parent with good results.  One of these good results we introduce this spring as RAGS TO RICHES.  This new bright, cheery hosta first appeared here among the GR crosses a number of years ago.  With the BLUE MAMMOTH heritage, one would expect larger seedlings, but GLAD RAGS tends to be dominant in controlling size, creating kids more akin to itself in size.  Having made divisions and planted RTR in several sites for evaluation, we are perfectly content and confident in making this introduction.

            True also to its GLAD RAGS heritage, RTR emerges with a clean chartreuse expression, which quickly changes to an equally clean gold which you will note in the picture.  This color hue holds throughout the balance of the growing season.

            A well established clump will here has a spread of about 20”.  Leaves measure about 3.5” x 5”.  Height is about 9”-10”.  When mature, a clump can have a somewhat flat topped appearance.

Stemming from the GOLDEN MEDALLION heritage one will find that the foliage becomes progressively more puckered/pebbled with age, and age tends to enhance substance as well. 

We have a more mature clump of RAGS TO RICHES planted next to some smaller clumps of GLAD RAGS, which makes for a pleasing effect as the both these hostas attain their true gold tones as the same time.

As with most golds, siting is important.  In deeper shade one will have a more chartreuse-gold tone (which is nice, too).  Planting in intense sun will produce brilliant gold quickly, but then one will also have to deal with the possibility/likelihood of some burn.  Early morning sun with some high, dappled shade at the heat of the day is about ideal from our plantings.

RAGS TO RICHES is one of those hostas which fits in readily in most gardens. It is not a muscle plant like our JURASSIC PARK, yet it can quickly form a bright statement toward the front of a planting of more dominant hostas.  A great companion for medium/small, intense blue types, RTR makes a bright, perky statement season after season.  We have double eye plants available for as long as they last.

It is not in tissue culture and has not been guested.

Price: None available for this season







A pile of green plants

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'Refiner’s Fire'

(‘Burnished Brass x Cynthia)



'Refiner’s Fire'

‘Burnished Brass’ (Chet.Tompkins) has proven to be a fine parent here for kids with bright gold color hues, and ‘Cynthia” (Cynthia Tompkins) has produced many strikingly variegated seedlings through the years for us.  Using ‘BB’ as pod parent and ‘C’ as pollen parent did the magic to produce ‘Refiner’s Fire’, which we consider on a par with our ‘Glad Rags’ in merit.


As ‘Refiner’s Fire’ grows here, it forms a large clump in nice, mounded form about 40” across and 28” tall.  Foliage is ventricular in form and very pebbled, but not unruly, at maturity.


Early foliage has chartreuse-gold centers with dark green borders that streak in swaths down into the middle of the leaf.  Properly sited, as the season progresses the centers take on a brassy gold tone that makes an even more highly contrasted expression which holds until frost.  Planted in more shade, the early expression (pictured) endures; given more light, the brassy tones take hold as the season progresses.  Both are sharp! 


With the exception of one pure gold sport (which we are propagating), the variegation has proven entirely stable in the ten plus seasons we have grown it.


We have several seedlings from ‘Refiner’s Fire’ that show promise.  Thus far, they have all been solid in nature—chartreuse, gold, green.  We plan to make crosses with it this season on ‘Pioneer’ which is recessive for gold and variegation.  While we have not used it with very round leafed cultivars, that is something that should likely be done.  Using ‘Glad Rags’ as pollen parent, we have some exceptionally bright, brassy kids that beg introduction in the future. 


Whether used as striking landscaping plant or as a parent for hybridizing, ‘Refiner’s Fire’ is meritorious.  We recommend it without hesitation.  It is not in tissue culture and we have no plans to go that route, nor has it been guested.


We offer double eye plants.  And our guarantee remains:  Grow the plant on for two seasons.  If at the end of the second season you are not entirely satisfied with its performance, we will be glad to buy it back from you and pay for shipping as well.

Price: $100.00 (NET--not subject to discount)







Hosta RSVP


(Seedling x Seedling)




(Seedling x Seedling)


There is something of an interesting history behind RSVP. About 15 years ago we noticed with interest a ghostly pale seedling with wild streaking as the season progressed.  Intrigued, we made a cross on the only and only bloom on the one and only bloomscape, but hoped to make more crosses when a more mature plant would send up more scapes.  Unfortunately, it was a bad winter for voles and the seedling was lost.  However, we did find two viable seeds from the lone bloom and planted them out in the fall.  In the spring one of the two seeds germinated, producing a tiny green seedling with pure white edging.


As the seasons progressed this seedling grew on, forming a small clump and always with foliage edged in clean white.  Happily, after about 6 seasons growing toward maturity we noted that the leaves were decidedly round and nicely dimpled.  The pure white edging made a good contract with the deep, clean green leaves.


RSVP in its adult form presents a rather low growing tabletop clump with a spread of about 22”.  The very round leaves are in the area of 5” in diameter.  The picture here gives a good idea of the qualities of RSVP.  We did make several crosses with this one last summer and look forward to see what the kids look like.


We are glad to finally introduce this distinctive hosta for your consideration.  After 14 years it was time to do so.


Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)













'Shades of Green'


'Shades of Green'

Several seasons ago on the spur of the moment we selfed a couple open blooms of 'Green Marmalade', something that is seldom done.  It was a whim at best; nonetheless the seed was pressed into the planting bed.  Late the next spring a small stretch of tiny green seedlings emerged from this cross.  On closer examination we noted that one of these seedlings had a clean white edge and a bit of streaky marbling.  The following spring this seedling was given a space where it didn't have to rub shoulders so tightly with its siblings.  And in the following seasons we enjoyed watching things develop.

From this more developed seedling we found some streaky fans, some with partial white edges, and also few fans that were very stable with a clean white border.  Discarding all else but the stable fans, we are pleased to watch as these fans quickly grew to become expressive clumps.

When viewing the picture here on the website, you may understand why we chose to register this hosta as SHADES OF GREEN.  Whenever we walked past the planting site we noted the various marbled tones (shades) of green that jet out from the edges of the dark green center swath.  These shades vary in color from a muted green to a near yellow type of chartreuse.  Often, spears of color jet out from the centers well into the pure white borders.

The leaf in the picture here shows some dings as it was taken at the very end of the season in September.  Earlier in the season SHADES OF GREEN expresses the same satin finish as its parent.  This sheen expresses itself especially well in a more shady setting.

As to overall clump size one can readily expect a clump that can attain 36" in width and around 22" in height.  On wet springs one can expect an increase in height.  Individual leaves on an established clump range in the area of 10" in length and 6" wide with a sharp, defined point.  This can fluctuate a bit season to season as well.  While the overall appearance is that of a mounded clump, the foliage also has a rather upright growth form as well.

Happily, SHADES OF GREEN does not sit and pout; rather, she settles in readily and quickly forms a strong clump.  The many tones of green on the backdrop of clean white forms an expressive BRIGHT SPLASH of garden presence.

Nice, strong plants will be available for shipping.  These are not tc.

Price: $50.00 (not subject to discount)






(Sport of 'Piedmont Gold')


A few seasons ago we observed an entire clump of 'Piedmont Gold' turn into a beautiful sport, the likes of which we had not seen before. 'Shadowfax', as we came to call this sport, is a melody of soft, creamy hues. In early spring the centers of the leaves are a smooth chartreuse, while the wide borders are a muted, golden cream. As the season progresses, the centers become a smooth, creamy gold and the borders turn to a soft ivory hue. Whether early, mid or late season, the colors are always soft and serene. In size, it is equal to 'Piedmont Gold', but the leaves are more distinctly rounded and puckered.

A mature clump stands about 22" tall and spreads to about 4'. 'Shadowfax' seems to perform best with good early morning light and dappled shade thereafter for optimum color. This is one of those hostas which is totally unique in expression. In fact, we had thought of calling it 'Chameleon' due to its changing nature. Its soft, glowing hues always entice visitors for a closer look. Distinctive and lovely.  For best color expression, give early morning light and high shade thereafter.


None available this year







Hosta ‘Standing Room Only


(Reciprocal sibling of JURASSIC PARK)


 'Standing Room Only'

For many seasons we have watched the mother clump of this reciprocal seedling of JURASSIC PARK displaying consistently. Each season there has been the intent to introduce this stalwart performer, but as Robert Frost penned the phrase, “…way leads on to way” and it didn’t happen.   No more!  Its time has come.

     Yes, it is “another” blue-green hosta, and there have been many “kind of nice” blue-greens introduced.  In fact, way too many!  At this point in time another introduction of this type needs to have some really deserving qualifications.  So, what are they?

     When viewing the images of STANDING ROOM ONLY one notes that its early season expression is strongly blue.  One also notes that it tends to be a more upright mound formation on growth.  Whether due to strong petioles (which it has), its rapid growth or the multitude of growth points/eyes, a mature clump of SRO displays the thickest, most dense foliage that we have ever seen on the hundreds of registered cultivars we grow here.  Whereas on most large hostas, one can readily part the leaves and see to the crown, on SRO the density of foliage prevents this.  It also means that strong winds and heavy rains have little or no impact on its display.  Hence, we have long thought that STANDING ROOM ONLY was a proper and fitting moniker.

     The mother clump pictured here measured 6.5 feet across before we took divisions off for propagation.  Individual leaves at maturity are about 9 x 11 inches.  These measurements are without fertilizer or extra water.

     Another of the matters that we have long noted and appreciated about SRO is that the leaves are “individualistic”.  While generally ovate in form with a sharp point, no two seem to be exactly the same.  Many are rather boat shaped; some curve in from one side; many have widely undulating edges and are very rugose.  To be blunt, most are rather “undisciplined--from a positive viewpoint. This holds true especially on leaf expression in the middle of the clump.  Because the foliage is so dense, there seems to be something of a “survival of the fittest” mode.  Also noted is the fact that STANDING ROOM ONLY has very heavy, unyielding substance—perhaps another reason she prefers to do her own thing.  While no hosta is slug proof, we have noted little or no slug damage even in the wettest summers.

     So, if you want a hosta with perfectly symmetrical leaf formation where everything grows to a specific set of expectations, look elsewhere.  However, if you are looking for an entirely individualistic garden expression that holds true season after season, STANDING ROOM ONLY is for you.  We have nice double divisions available.

     This hosta is not in tissue culture and has not been guested to other gardens.

Price: $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)




'Streets of Gold'

(Blue Mammoth X Golden Medallion)



'Streets of Gold'

Some years ago we made several crosses of Tokudama type golds onto large Sieboldiana type blues. Several interesting golds emerged, but one of the nicest was this seedling from Blue Mammoth X Golden Medallion.

From its juvenile stage onward, 'Streets Of Gold' exhibited certain characteristics which only strengthened with age:

1.      large, very round, gold leaves,

2.      heavy substance,

3.      strong puckering, and

4.      very pleasing, rounded, mound-shaped clump.

The individual leaves on established plants are about 8"x10," while a mature clump well grown can reach 4 feet across. The Tokudama type is strongly evidenced with its heavy substanced, round, puckered leaves, and the Sieboldiana heritage expresses itself in the size of leaf and clump.

Like most golds, 'Streets Of Gold' emerges golden chartreuse, then quickly changing to an INTENSE GOLD which holds its color throughout the season. We suggest placing it in strong early morning light, followed by some dappled shade thereafter for best color.

A potent pollen parent for hybridizing. Sets seed with perseverance.


Price: $50.00 (NET—not subject to discount)




'Summa Cum Laude'

(Sport of 'Sum and Substance')

'Summa Cum Laude'

Through the years we have been blessed with at least six variegated sports of ‘Sum And Substance’. All have been very nice, but much like other registered sports already available. However, observing this sport for the last years we have found it distinctively unique: The base color is typical S&S, but edged in a very regular cream-yellow edge of about 3/4”.

Beyond this the presentation is unlike the other S&S sports we have seen. 1. SCL has a very distinct, controlled, mounded clump form. 2. Leaf shape is round and usually somewhat convex, even on an established clump. 3. While most S&S sports emerge chartreuse and then gradually express a colored edge, SCL expresses the gold edge immediately.

Established clumps here measure about 40” across with a distinct mounded effect. Mature leaf measurement here is about 8” x 11”. We can recommend ‘SUMMA CUM LAUDE’ without hesitation. A good grower and very well behaved, it makes a fine garden specimen. Several large singles available.

Price: $50.00 (NET--not subject to discount)







'Sun Chariot'


Our STREETS OF GOLD has proven to be an excellent parent of golden kids and our introduction of SUN CHARIOT for 2023 is a case in point.  We watched this gold seedling grow over the last 8 years and became more impressed with it in each passing season.

The mother clump was 5’ in diameter before we made divisions.  Clump forms a rather flat topped, spreading mound.  Growth is average with new plantings settling and establishing readily.  Leaves measure about 9” x 7”.

As the pictures indicate, SUN CHARIOT foliage is puckered/rugose and substance is very heavy even on young plants.  The gold color expression intensifies during the season and holds well through fall.  Here we grow S.C. where she receives a good deal of sun for best color expression.  Sun resistance is strong, likely coming from the parentage of Tompkins’ SUNNY SMILES.

In regard to hybridizing potential we have several gold seedlings that we like and are considering for introduction in the future.  If you are a hybridizer, we suggest using SUN CHARIOT with our PALE MOON RISING.  This has produced some intriguing kids.

We are very happy with this 2023 hosta introduction.  She makes a stellar, bright flash in our plantings.

Price:  $75.00 (NET--not subject to discount)









'Tiffany Tune'

 'Tiffany Tune'

This glowing hosta is a melody of fine qualities: Color, sheen, form and grace. Emerging midspring in glowing, creamy, chartreuse hues, the color changes gradually through the course of the season to that of a burnished golden chartreuse. One of its most appealing assets is the glowing sheen evidenced throughout the season. It reminds us of the beautiful tiffany finish of fine porcelain. Ultimately attaining a pleasing, semi-pendent mound of about 22" across and 16" high.

Petioles have a distinctive pink midrib. The form is another matter which is pleasing to the eye. The elongated, semi-lanceolate leaves with their softly rounded ends rise from the center of the clump and then, ever so gracefully, arch gently downward. As with most hostas of this color, it is at its best given early morning sun, followed by dappled, high shade.

A mature clump is a matter of distinctive grace and elegance. Very well received last year. For the hybridizer, 'Tiffany Tune' produces a high percentage of golds in a variety of hues.  A great companion for ferns and woodland plants



Price: $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)











Close-up of a large leaf

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'Twilight Shadows'

(Halcyon Sdlg x Pleasure Seeker)

Not every hosta need be splashy or extravagant to be desirable, and that is why we have decided to introduce TWILIGHT SHADOWS.  The pollen parent, PLEASURE SEEKER, has proven its worth both as a garden plant and as a hybridizing parent.  Many of its good qualities were manifested in this introduction.

As the picture at the left indicates, TWILIGHT SHADOWS  has a unique color expression.  The outer edges of the leaves have a distinct blue tone which mutes to  blue-green going toward the centers and than a nearly chartreuse tone toward the midrib.  The veination is distinct which increases the color contrast.  Stemming from its pollen parent one finds broadly undulating edges and a sharply pointed leaf tip. 

A mature clump here measures about 25” across and about 15” in height.  Leaf size is approximately 8.5” by 4”.   Clump form is quite dense and round.  A strong grower, TWILIGHT SHADOWS quickly forms a nice clump that has both a pleasing and an interesting expression.

Here she expresses best color in dappled shade, but grows readily in stronger sun as well.  Try planting her close to an intense blue, dark green or creamy gold.  Nice crown divisions available.


Price:  $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)








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'Twilight Shimmer'

(Dark Treasure x Lakeport Blue sdlg )


'Twilight Shimmer'

(Dark Treasure x Lakeport Blue sdlg)


With the large number of admittedly rather common “green” hostas on the market, any future registrations and introductions need to show a good reason.  Like its pod parent, Dark Treasure, our introduction of Twilight Shimmer has evidenced these distinctives. After growing this seedling on through several seasons and being nearly wiped out by voles a few years ago, we thought the time had come once we again had good stock.


So, what’s distinctive about Twilight Shimmer?  As to clump form we have a nicely rounded mound. As to leaf form, we have definite ventricular expression.  But these matters are not distinctive in and of themselves.  The distinction is noted in the two pictures here.  Very few hostas (and fewer still greens) have this sort of glossy sheen. While there are a number of more glossy hostas, the majority of these tend to have thin substance.  Thankfully, T.S. has good substance.


We have T.S. planted in an area of dappled shade close to a path where it shines during the day, but the real allure comes toward dusk when the shine turns to an enticing shimmer.  The other matter of distinction is that of bloom.  Bloom expression is that of pure white blossoms on elongated scapes.  On some colder evenings, the bloom will sometimes have the palest undertone of lavender.


As a solid green, Twilight Shimmer establishes readily and quickly forms a clump about 36” across and 20” tall.  Leaves are about 7” x 6”.  We recommend planting in a more shady site for best color effect, and perhaps along a path or other frequented site where you can enjoy the shimmer and white blooms.


Nice large plants as we have good stock again and are keeping the price very reasonable for a new introduction.


Price:  $35.00 (NET--not subject to discount)














'Wings To Fly'

(‘Piedmont Gold’ x Unnamed Tompkins’ Seedling)

'Wings To Fly'

Pictured here you will find our ‘Wings To Fly’ hosta introduction for this season. Selected from several medium/small yellow seedlings well over 10 years ago, this one always caught our eye for several reasons:

1. Its striking, clean, creamy gold spring expression,

2. Undulating leaf form and perfect “lay”,

3. Vigorous growth,

4. Bloom expression.

Furthermore, its name fits the fact that on young clumps in particular ‘Wings To Fly’ often sports large vestigial leaves held at right angles to the stem—as though ready to take flight.

The color hue is a perfect contrast for powdery blues. Established clump size is about 20” by 12”. Leaves approximately 6” by 2.5”. Best with some morning light and high shade thereafter. Pod fertile and prepotent for smaller yellow/gold kids.

A personal favorite in this color range and size!

Price: $40.00 (NET--not subject to discount)


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