Welcome to our 2025 website!  We trust you will take the time to browse through our listings of Hostas, Daylilies, Peonies and a few Companion Plants which we grow and offer. 

We have been involved in the plant business here on our Wisconsin Zone 4 farm for over 35 years and plan to do so for another year—Lord willing.  Thankfully He gives strength and health to accomplish this.  Many things change as time goes on:  Retiring from teaching English and Norwegian at our local high school 7 years ago for one thing.  My Guernseys are no longer to be seen in the pasture or in the barn, but the Norwegian Fjord Horses keep the keep grass trimmed and lots of poultry still provide meat and eggs.  Other matters remain constant:  Hybridizing good quality hostas and daylilies remains a rewarding challenge, and plant friends are like frosting on the cake. Most of all there remains the Love of God that is the firm anchor of life.

HOSTAS: We commit to ship good sized plant stock and do not ship little tissue culture plants.  Nearly all the hostas are at least 3 year old plants and the fast growers will usually be 2-3 eye/fan stock. We do not have any of our hosta introductions tissue cultured, so stock on some of our own introductions is always limited.

DAYLILIES: Our daylilies will be good sized 2-3 fan plants.  A handful of hard to find daylilies may be large size singles and will be noted as such in the listings.

PEONIES:  Peonies will always be large size crown divisions with multiple eyes.  Since the farm is in zone 4 Wisconsin, we are most pleased to hear that our daylily introductions perform well in other frigid zones.  We highly recommend the intersectional peonies that are on our listing, especially BARTZELLA which is stellar.

We really appreciate the positive comments that we receive here and that are left on Garden Watchdog.  And we are pleased that orders for our own hosta and daylily introductions continue to increase each year.  Thank you for letting us know that these introductions do well for you in your gardens.  In regard to our new introductions for this season, we have 2 new hostas and several new daylilies. All have been thoroughly tested for several seasons here on our Zone 4 farm. 

We are glad for your communications.  E-mails (ngp@mwt.net) work best and we strive to answer within 24 hours.  Phone calls are also welcome, but please bear in mind that during daylight hours of spring through early fall, we are outside and do not carry a phone.  We are usually available for calls around 6-7 a.m. and well after dark in the evening.

Regarding shipping times, please bear in mind that we are located in a colder zonal area.  We ship as soon as the plants are ready, but we do not ship prior to this time.  Hosta shipments usually commence in late April depending on weather.  We begin daylily shipments a bit later once the foliage has toughened up a bit to get past the brittle stage.  Thank you for realizing that shipping times are weather dependent.  Peonies are dug and shipped starting in early October.  We do our best to work around shipping times you prefer.  Please let us know of any times when  you will not be available to receive plants.

We always acknowledge orders upon receipt, and when shipping time arrives we send an email to let you know that your plants will be coming.  More and more customers prefer the convenience of using Paypal, but checks work just fine, too.

If you have questions about any of our plant offerings, please do get in touch.  We are happy interact with avid gardeners!  Regarding visits to the farm, this can often be arranged a bit in advance.  Afternoons later in the week usually work best, as well as Saturday mornings.  For those who would prefer to pick up a plant order here on the farm that can be readily arranged.  Unannounced drop in visits are difficult as we have no regular hours and no potted plants for instant pick up. 

We look forward to supplying with top quality plants in 2025 and encourage you to look through our list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers on this site, as well as to access our references at Garden Watchdog.

Best Greetings!

Rod Lysne

Northern Grown Perennials







GUARANTEE:  We guarantee our stock to be true to name and in good condition upon arrival.  If you are dissatisfied with any plants you receive, simply return them within 7 days with their labels and we will refund their cost plus shipping expenses. 

Furthermore, regarding any NGP introductions (hostas or daylilies) we guarantee you will be pleased with their performance.  Grow them on for two full seasons; then, if they have not met your expectations, simply return the undivided clump.  We will refund you the original cost plus your shipping expense.  We know of no other nursery that offers this guarantee.


COMMUNICATIONS:  Emails are the best source of contacting us.  We do our very best to answer emails on the same day you send them.  Our stable email address is ngp@mwt.net .  If you wish to contact us via phone, our number is 608 734 3178 .  The best time to reach us is at 6:00-7:00 A.M. CST or well after dark in the evening.  Both early morning and late evening calls are welcome.  Midday calls will usually be unfruitful as we are outdoors when the sun is shining.  We are glad to return voice mails.


ORDERING/PAYMENT:  Feel free to use the printable order page to submit an order with a personal check or money order.

While we are not able to accept credit cards, many of our customers prefer the ease of using .  When using Paypal, just check with us on the plants you desire.  We will get right back to you on availability and cost.  You can then make payment to our email address or we can send a PayPal invoice.  We will make a copy of your email, using it as your order form.


To pay with PayPal, use the following few steps:

1.    Browse to www.paypal.com

2.    Log in to your PayPal account with your email address and password.

3.    Click the send Icon at the top of the page as shown below.

4.    Enter ngp@mwt.net for the email to send to along with the appropriate dollar amount. 

5.    OR we will send you a PayPal invoice if you have an established account.




Otherwise, checks and money orders are the standard form of payment.


MAILING ADDRESS:  Northern Grown Perennials

                                         54779 Helland Rd

                                         Ferryville, WI  54628

PHONE: 608-734-3178  (early mornings or late evenings)




SHIPPING MODE & COSTS:  We ship USPS Priority Mail. 

Shipping costs:  (Priority Mail)

~For WI, MN, IA, IL, ND, SD, NE:  $12.00 plus $2.00 per plant

~For New England, East Coast and Southern states: $24.00 plus $2.00 per plant

~For all other states: $18.00 plus $2.00 per plant


  (We no longer ship hosta orders to the West Coast due to the extremely high mailing costs for the longer size boxes)

  (Shipping to distant states is very high; hence higher rates. They  increased again in 2024. We do our best to keep them as   

  reasonable as possible.)  


BONUS PLANTS:  We are happy to send along bonus/gift plants on hosta and daylily orders.  To avoid sending you duplicates of what you may already grow, please do send along a long list of possibilities.  We are not able to send bonus plants with peony orders.


DISCOUNTS:  On orders of $100 or more you may deduct 10% of plant price.   Plants marked “Net” (NGP hosta and daylily introductions) do not qualify for discount.


SHIPPING TIME:  Generally, we begin shipping in early May, depending on the weather.  Straight hosta orders and shipments to more southerly states are shipped first.  Daylilies take a bit longer to reach shipping stage before we can dig.  While we are    unable to always give exact shipping dates as all our stock is field grown and we must work within weather conditions, we do our best to work around your desired shipping time.  Please be aware that we are located in a zone 4 area, so we are not able to ship plants in very early spring.  Your patience in regard to the spring rush is appreciated, and will be rewarded with top quality plants.  If you will be away from home at certain times, please let us know so we will avoid shipping then.


ORDER/SHIPPING ACKNOWLEDGMENT:  We always send an email to acknowledge your order/payment.  And we send an email to let you know when your plants are being shipped.  On later season orders it is best to send along an email to inquire as to availability.  We will get back to you quickly to let you know about any plants that are sold out for the season.


FARM VISITS:  We enjoy the company of “plant people” and farm visits are welcome by prior arrangement.  The best times are usually Friday and Saturday, but late afternoons of other days often work as well.  Unannounced drop-in situations are difficult as we do not have anything akin to “regular” hours and do not have potted plants for instant pick-up.


INFORMATION & SUGGESTIONS:  We are always more than happy to offer suggestions on particular plant cultivars.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch.



          Just email us:  ngp@mwt.net


Northern Grown Perennials

54779 Helland Rd.

Ferryville, WI 54628

Email us at: ngp@mwt.net
